
Please order by the shoe, not the pair.
Save $1 per shoe when you order 16 or more shoes of any size or color combination.



"I just wanted to write and tell you that my family loves your shoes. I haven't been able to ride my horses in a long time due to the sliding we would do when they had metal shoes on. My geldings are older (20, 21, 23) and are very cautious with their riders and didn't enjoy not being able to just hit the road and go. Riding had ceased being fun for any of us. They my dad, who is a certified farrier, and I came across your website while researching different types of shoes and we decided to try yours first. We weren't sure how they would work out and it took us a little longer than normal to put the first set on my Appaloosa, but we figured it out and after we got the technique down, my dad said he much preferred dealing with the plastic shoes over the metal ones. He said they were easier to get sized right and were more forgiving thatn a metal shoe. As soon as we were done my dad decided to hop on my horse bareback and try out the shoes. He was thrilled with the results, saying that Pancho, my horse, was very hesitant when he first stepped onto the asphalt and was expecting to slide but once he realized he had traction, he perked right up and really stepped out. I went for my first ride last nite and litterally fell in love with riding again. Pancho loves those shoes, you can tell it in the way he's walking. I decided to really test the shoes out and loped and did quick stops and turns and he never once slipped or slid. Thank you so much for this great product. Steele shoes are now a thing of the past for us, you have found loyal customers with us. We just placed an order today for enough to put GC shoes on every riding horse we have. Thanks again!" - Tim Dalton, Henegar Alabama

"It was good to get the initial order of Ground Control horseshoes. As I told you I was going to try them on my own horses before I carried them as a retail item at Fully Equipped Outdoors, Inc. Well, we are a couple of weeks into the trial and are very pleased with the results so far. As a matter of fact, I didn't order enough 00 shoes and had to put Ground Control on the front of one of our mares and steel on the back until I could get more 00 shoes. This situation has given us a very good side-by-side (or front to back) comparison of the true benefits of the Ground Control shoes. When working this mare in the round pen in the early morning with dew on the grass her rear feet repeatedly slipped with the steel shoes and her front feet didn't slip at all. I was intrigued by this and decided to take her over some different surfaces to see if the result was the same. It was. When I walked her down a dirt embankment her rear feet slid excessively and her front feet gripped very well. I'm excited about recommending the shoes to our customers." Thanks and blessings. - Chris Franklin, Fully Equipped Outdoors, Inc. Dalton, Georgia

"I wanted to let you know that the shoes I ordered and put on my mule were great! We went to South Dakota and did some very rough riding. We usually put in a couple of 20 mile rides interspersed with some shorter ones. We ride in the most rugged terrain, with rocks and gravel being common. We ride up to Mt. Rushmore and to Harney Peak, which is the highest peak east of the Rockies. The shoes were great and she never slipped once. As others have stated, my shoer was skeptical also. Now he is convinced that these are a breakthrough! I told everyone that would listen that my mule was wearing "plastic" shoes! They were all impressed and asked for more info. Thanks again and happy trails!!" Thank you, - Libby Woodson, Manning Iowa

"Ground Control Shoes are becoming very popular in Steamboat Springs, Co. Customers here like them because: 1) They are better than barefoot on snow: no slipping 2) They do not "ball up" with snow. 3. They stay on in the mud season 4) They grip like "Spiderman" on rocks/shale 5) They are great for concussion prevention 6) They can be worn all year." - Michael Henry Ph.D., LP & Farrier, Oak Creek, CO

"It was wonderful not to worry about slipping on all of the pavement around my house here in Las Vegas. I'm sure you'll be getting more orders from my friends as we all have the same problem in this fast-growing city."- Tona Bjorklund, NV

"I purchased a set of Ground Control Horseshoes for my Tennessee Walker for riding in the Texas Hill Country. They were great! We never slid, not even one time. That is all that I want on him from now on and any other horse that I might get to ride in the future." - Pam Pieratt, TX

" I have tested and found the GC horseshoes superior than steel or aluminum on sand, crushed stone and pavement for traction, durability and foot protection. They are definitely our preferred shoe for these surfaces. An additional benefit is that horses that wear them are less likely to interfere." - Quentin Llop, DVM, farrier, and endurance racer, NY


"For the last six years I have been using Ground Control Horse shoes on my Thoroughbred horses. I began using plastic shoes on my horse that kicked himself in the side of the foot with the weight of the steel shoe. I noticed so much growth in his foot and that he was so much more comfortable on his feet that I began to try them on all my horses and haven't gone back to steel since. The plastic shoes contribute to increased hoof growth. This gives the farrier more hoof to work with if the horse needs correction in his hoof. The shoe flexes, this creates more circulation in the foot and a healthier foot. The shoe flexes and this protects pasture mates form injury of serious kicks from steel shoes, but also protects the using horse from hard surface or stone bruises. I've had one thoroughbred with underrun heels for ten years. With plastic shoes and my certified farrier's expertise in trimming and setting the shoe, he has grown upright heel for the first time in 10 years! I love plastic horse shoes." Christine Amber, owner/trainer, Gilroy, CA

"I've found that Ground Control Horseshoes will improve hoof quality on bad footed horses. IÕve seen horses grow more hoof wall and have a better hoof balance after only two months of use. Horses that have had problems keeping steel shoes on tend to keep these shoes on better since they flex. I've used them for trail, dressage, and roping horses." ~ Scott Elliott, farrier and professional roper in FL

"Hello, I am writing to let you know how happy my horse and I have been since she starting wearing ground control horseshoes. She is only four years old, and because her feet are still growing, I do not want to put metal shoes on her, since it would restrict how much her hooves could spread. With the polyurethanes on, her hooves have grown close to a full shoe size, and they have hardened to the point that she no longer stumbels over the rocks when she is ridden barefoot for a few days between shoeings. She works cows and rides over the roughest terrain imaginable. She also rides through neighborhoods and around traffic. I never worry about her hooves with her new shoes on. I am completely satisfied with your product and hope it stays in the market for a long time to come. Thank you." - Ashley Glessing, Scottsdale AZ


"Bought my first pair last year and loved them!!! My 14 yr old horse has extensive scar tissue from a coronet band injury on both the left front and rear legs, and these shoes have stayed on in the muddiest conditions. My farrier was skeptical, but he is impressed with them now!" Sandra Newport, Leonidas, MI

"I have been using the Ground Control Horseshoes for well over a year now and can not say enough about how they have helped my Spotted Saddle Horse's feet. Chief (registered name Bold Chico's Shadow) is a seventeen year old. My farrier has tried several different shoes on him and they would not stay, his hoofs would just chip away. He throws a steel shoe within three weeks; aluminum might stay on four weeks at the most. I was searching the web and found the Ground Control and thought why not, I had tried everything else. So I spoke with them about what size they advised me, I ordered and now he wears his shoes for a full eight weeks. His feet are not shelly and do not chip off like they did with the other shoes. Now you saying but how does he gait, wonderfully, smooth as silk. He is more confident in parades, etc. because he does not slip and slide. Now this old boy is trail ridden, shown (and wins), as well as a parade king. He will wear Ground Control Shoes from now on. It is the best that I can give him and he deserves the best." - Patsy S. Hixon, Kingston TN

"Just wanted you to know that my first set of shoes were reset this morning. My farrier was shocked at the tightness of the shoe, the tightness of the nail holes and minimum to no wear after 6 weeks. I will continue using these shoes, all I can say is FANTASTIC!!!!! Thank you for creating a shoe that is cost efficient and wears and performs alot better than the steel shoe. Oh, by the way my farrier will be ordering some for his horses and will be letting his clients know about your fantastic shoes." Converted in Georgia - Connie Grob, 3 Arrows Tack

I wanted to share my experience with your product. 16 weeks ago I had my farrier apply a front set of ground controls on my 24 year old mare,
8 weeks ago we reset them.Yesterday we reset them again, going for 22 weeks. Her hooves are solid and have no seperation they are in better condition than my 5 and 8 year old. Many years ago I was a gun dealer, sometimes when we sold a pistol the customer would change to a rubber grip called pachmeyer. It was the most indestructable material I had ever seen, you could hardley cut through it with a hacksaw or melt it with heat. I also had horses then, and would say they should make horse shoes out of that material. Helvetta came out with a plastic shoe and I immediatley purchased a pair, but couldn't find anyone to put them on, so they stayed in my tack shed for years. I moved to Lake Havasu City Arizona, and after seventeen years of shoing my arabian mare Jordache, some people convinced me to go barefoot, after 1 year, I successfully converted her, but I still had to use boots some times which collected dirt, rocks and gravel, they didn't feel secure if I wanted to gallop and they had a tendency to rub sores on the bulb of hoof. I finally got the chance to try those plastic shoes I had, but after 4 weeks they caved in, because they didn,t have any support accoss the heel. My farrier turned me on to the Ground Control's so now I will be using them on all my horses, they are also great for parades. - Kathy Covert


"In May 2005, I purchased two sets (front and rear) of your shoes to try on my wife's Kentucky Mountain mare. She foundered on me last spring. The Vet.recommended heart bar shoes but they where out of sight ($300.00 for a set of 4). Because of the way your shoes are designed, I decided to try them. Boy, do they work!!! Before I put them on her she walked like she was on eggshells. IMMEDIATELY after she was shod, she was RUNNING around the pasture! They just don't wear out. I first put them on her in May. Reset them in July and, again, in September. That's TWENTY weeks. I just removed her shoes for the winter on Tuesday (Nov. 1st). The front shoes were still servicable although they were beginning to tear at the edge. I could have reset the rear shoes for another 8 weeks. We live in the Blue Ridge mountains of SW Virginia. Lots of rocks and mud. They never once came off or loosened. Steel shoes on my Rocky Mountain had to be replaced at each shoeing and got sucked off in the mud several times. If you'd like, I can send her old shoes back so you can see them for yourselves. THANKS!" - Ken Halleck, Laurel Fork, VA

"I have found your product to be very successful in treating foundered horses! I first used the Ground Control shoe on my own foundered mare and it worked wonderful!!! - Leslie Jackson, farrier in Irvington, KY

"After just one shoeing my aged, foundered, arthritic mare is showing marked improvement with your shoes. She no longer stumbles, her severely arthritic knee is much less stiff, tender, and swollen, and she no longer limps at the walk. This mare is dear to us, and her foals are extraordinarily valuable, so it is wonderful to finally find an effective way to keep her more comfortable. The shoes are proving to be durable and stay mounted with no problems. I'm very pleased to have discovered this product, and our farrier is now recommending them on other founder cases. Thank you for a unique, quality product! Thank you." - Diana Osborn & Keith Ritter

"This is the first year I've used your horseshoes. I'm from Michigan, and I had to write to you and let you know how pleased I am with them and I will certainly continue to purchase them! I have two horses that have foundered in the past and both are wearing your horseshoes. I took two of my horses (an 18 year old Morab gelding - one of the foundered ones, and a 17 year old Morgan mare) down to Southern Illinois to ride in the Shawnee National Forest (something that I never thought I'd be able to do with him) and he had no trouble with the rocks, mud or streams. Other horses that went with us had traditional steel shoes. They did not have the traction that we did and their hooves were sore after three days due to the rocks. I never thought I'd be able to ride my Morab gelding again, but he's moving great with your shoes! I also have a Morab mare that I drive and I'm thrilled with how she goes on pavement. I use these shoes now on 4 of my horses. My farrier had a little trouble nipping through them (they're tough!) so I got a portable band saw. My farrier trims their hoof, I make a tracing of them, then cut the shoe out using the band saw and it's a beautiful, perfect fit. This makes it MUCH easier to get a perfect fit...leaving 1/8th of an inch around their feet. It works great! My farrier is happier now that his hands don't hurt when he's done. I have had several of my horse friends ask about the shoes and I'm always quick to say how much I love them!!! I doubt if I'll ever go back to steel shoes again! Thank you for a great product!" - Sandy Glanton, Fox Glen Farm, Schoolcraft, MI


"I am writing to let you know what your Ground Control horse shoes have done for me and my horse. I have a 16 year old Standardbred mare, Veruca Salt, whom I have owned since she was 3. We have competed in local, regional, and national level horse shows. She is an incredibly versatile and wonderful horse who routinely beats Warmbloods and Thoroughbreds in hunter-jumper and equitation classes and Quarter Horses in western pleasure. Jumping, dressage, pleasure, western, reining, trail - she does it all. She won national championships in working hunter, equitation, English pleasure, and western pleasure at 13 and was the SPHO National High Point Champion Standardbred at 14. Veruca Salt was then diagnosed with navicular disease and I thought her competition years were over. The vet performed joint injections, recommended wedge shoes and a future neurectomy, and left it at that. I consulted with several expert farriers and tried wedge pads with traditional shoes for a while. Because her condition was more related to wear and tear and concussion than the typical long toe-low heel conformation, she only went sound with the wedges because they greatly shortened her stride and forced her to land on her toes. I wasn't thrilled with how recessed and atrophied her frogs became after 10 weeks either. My farrier told me about the Ground Control shoes, as he had used them on a few other clients' horses. I did some research and decided to give them a try. I like the fact that they provide good shock absorption (a must with the variety of footing we ride and show on), still allow for natural hoof expansion and frog stimulation, and have better heel support and weight bearing area than traditional shoes. In addition, they don't cost a fortune like many other poly shoes. They are better than hoof boots because they can stay on the horse all the time, even during turnout, and the fit can be easily customized with a rasp or Dremel tool. I have been able to reuse the same pair for two to three shoeing cycles and have never had a problem with them coming loose. For the past two years, Veruca Salt has been sound with Ground Control shoes on her front feet (she has always been barefoot behind) during the riding months and bare feet over the winter months. Her new vet said that her follow-up x-rays at 18 months showed no deterioration of her condition. She is back to riding and competing and won national championships in western pleasure and working hunter with her Ground Control shoes last year. This year, we will be performing an exhibition at the World Equestrian Games in Lexington, Kentucky with her plastic shoes on. I have attached a few recent competition photos. The jumping photo is courtesy of Christie DeBernardis (Shutter Savvy Images). Thanks again for giving me a better option to keep my mare happy and comfortable. "
- Laura H., Lexington, KY


Hello, "Just wanted to write and tell you how pleased I am with your plastic horse shoes. I was skeptical at first when I rec'd them in the mail. I had my farrier put them on ( I think she was a bit skeptical also) almost as an experiment and they are great. We have been on a beach ride with them, down the street, on dirt roads and thru the woods. No problems at all. seems like my horse enjoys them also. Keep up the good work." Fred M. New Hampshire. "I originally ordered just two shoes for the front of a horse of mine, whose name is also Hickory, that is really flat footed and could barely walk on our gravel roads. (Most roads in Kansas are gravel and rock.) My farrier and I don't like to mess with pads so I thought why not try something new. (I originally noticed your advertisement in the "Trail Rider" magazine. I visited your website shortly thereafter.) The farrier and I were both skeptical...wondering just how long this "plastic" shoe would really last on our roads through all the riding I do. Well, I just recently ordered shoes for the back of Hickory and for my barrel horse. I couldn't believe how durable the shoe was. It had less wear than a steel shoe would have had in six weeks. Hickory could also now lope on our rocky roads, with his new shoes, and showed no signs of tenderness or lameness. It was like I had a new horse. On Wednesday my farrier will put your shoes on my barrel horse. This was really a tough call for me and I'm a little hesitant still...but, I'm looking forward to seeing how she can run barrels in them, and I will keep you posted. I will be in heaven if she performs just as well, or better, in your shoes. I do a lot of trail riding with her too, in some rocky places, and my farrier has typically added pads for these outings. (What a time consuming headache that is!) So, my hope is that I will be able to use your shoes twelve months out of the year! You may also be interested to know that my farrier was REALLY skeptical, and hesitant, more so than even me, when I showed him the shoes and asked him to put them on Hickory. (He probably only agreed to do it because we have been working together for some time now.) When he was here yesterday, and reshod Hickory, he kept looking at the shoes that we had on the front of Hickory, particularly the minimal wear, and kept saying, "I'll be damn!" He even mentioned getting some for himself to keep in stock. He told me that he was amazed at how well they held up with all the riding that I do, and that I'd proabably be able to use them a third time even. (My horses rarely stand in a soft bedded stall either, they get USED!) Thanks for your research and for "breaking new ground" where horseshoes are concerned. I think you really have an awesome product and I'm willing to bet I will be a client for life!" Sincerely, - Heather Karst, Wellington, Kansas

"My tender footed Peruvian really liked the Ground Control shoes. These shoes are wonderful and better than aluminum! Equally happy was my farrier, who also does corrective shoeing for a vet. Although he was not keen on the idea of trying a new plastic shoe, he was really pleased with the fit of the shoe and the durability, since we were able to reset them more than once. The traction on the rocks is also amazing." - Rona Burre, TX


"I have been a farrier for 33 years and I have never had this success with any other shoe on concussion problems as I have had with your product. It has worked on founder, navicular, ringbone and other types of lameness. My best success was a dressage horse that was chronic lame for 10 years. After the first pair, the horse went back to giving lessons. Thanks - " - Chuck Kraus, Battle Ground, Washington

"I've had a lot of success using Ground Control Horseshoes on a variety of horses. I have used them on laminitic horses after an initial treatment of trimming and pads, and seen horses walk off comfortable." ~ Chuck Justice - farrier, Pine City MN

"I'd like to start off by saying I LOVE your shoes! I am an equine podiatrist in central VA, and I find your shoes to be an asset to my business. My main 4 legged customers are recovering from founder, navicular and a plethora of other hoof disorders. Your shoes are just what I need to keep them sound. I developed a product called Equisocks- it's a hoof wrap that activates with water to form a 'boot'. I often use your GC shoes under the Equisock- so horses with poor walls, or severe hoof pain don't have to deal with a regular shoe being nailed to their foot. I'm attaching a picture of Dusty, a horse with such severe navicular he was constantly in pain- I applied a GC shoe with an Equisock over the top, and he was sound immediately- he actually sighed when he put his foot down! Thank you again for providing such a wonderful shoe. I have tried other rubber shoes on the market, but nothing has been easier to apply whether nailing or putting a Equisock over it. ~ Shannon Carner D.A.E.P. Degreed Applied Equine Podiatrist Find me on Facebook! search: The Natural Farrier


"I have been using Ground Control Horseshoes on my Arabian on the front feet for endurance racing as well as dressage. With these shoes on my horse, I can trot over the hard surfaces of the Los Padres without the fear of injuring my horse.Ó Ð Sandy Obermeyer, CA "My friend told me about your shoes. I hadn't seen her horse in daylight for a while and mentioned how great his feet looked. They had been really shelly in the past. She showed me the shoes and said they had really helped. I have no particular problems with my horse's feet, but I'm sure my horse would like a little more shock absorption and better grip on the road." - Carolyn Barnes, CA

"I first bought Ground Control to reduce concussion, but found there were many more benefits to the shoes, including better traction on just about any surface, protection for the hoof, and an anti-snowball effect." ~ Donald Dake, farrier & endurance rider in MI

"Everywhere I go people ask about my horse's shoes. Most people have heard of "plastic" shoes. I tell them these are like cross-training shoes for horses. They're Great! Thanks for making such a super product. - Kathryn A Duck, Fl

"Thanks for the quick shipment! I LOVE these shoes and so does my Spotted Saddle Horse. I didn't realize how unhappy he was being barefoot...our rides are so refreshing and brisk now because he wants to MOVE OUT. Now I'm going to get them on my other SSH that currently has metal shoes on his front feet. Great product Kristy!" - Denise Mitcheltree


"A customer referred me to the Ground Control Horseshoes and, as a farrier, I think these shoes are very easy to put on. They are staying on even in the mud. I've always told my customers never to run on pavement, so they really teased me when they saw me running on the road with these shoes. I told them that it feels like I'm running with Michellin tires! " - Jennifer Rosenthal, farrier and rider, IL

"Jim Becka teaches the Farrier Science program for the Wounded Warriors, and he makes certain to show them all the benefit of alternatives to traditional shoeing which includes Ground Controls. Since we have been out west, we have seen more demand for therapeautic shoeing methods and resources, and we are so happy that you are so responsive in ordering and shipping. One of Jim's students has two gaited Peruvian Paso Finos, whose feet were getting torn up by the rocky terrain, (they ride every day in the mountains), after going lame, Jim put your Ground Controls on one of them and not only did he recover within a day or two, but the shoes stayed on for close to 8 weeks!! It's funny how many folks roll their eyes at the idea until they see the results! Kristy, thank you so much for the amazing service and the quality in your shoes, we will definately be using more of them out here!" Lynn Gawronski, TUFF Hooves, Inc. Business Manager Jim Becka, TUFF Hooves, Inc., President/Farrier/Farrier Instructor

"Compared to other plastic shoes that I've tried, Ground Control Horseshoes hold up better. They are easy to put on with regular horseshoe nails, and I like the fact that I can trim off the excess for a custom fit. When I go back to reset the shoes, they are just the way that I left them. Every client has liked them so much that they've referred them to others. I've used them on horses for endurance riding, trail riding, parade horses, and they do well on gaited horses as well." ~ Michael Henry, farrier in CA

"My name is Joe Trujillo, I am a farrier of over 25 yrs experience. I have always prided myself on having an attitude of “continuing education” in order to better serve my clients and their horses. I 1st started using GC shoed on an Andalusian Mare that developed ringbone due to a nervous need to constantly paw anytime she had to stand for any length of time. In the end, she would get so sore that sometimes she could barely walk a day after I had shod her. Once I started using the GC shoes on her, she was a lot more comfortable on long rides and seems to have made a remarkable recovery. I know that the ringbone will never go away, but with the use of GC shoes, she’ll be ridable for a long time to come. I am currently using them for the Air Force mounted patrol out here in California. They seem to be the best shoes I have found for riding in all the varied surfaces on the base. I definitely appreciate having them on my truck as an option for various clients."
Thanks again. Regards Joe Trujillo Horseshoeing

When I use Ground Controls, if I have help, I'll have my helper run a majic marker around the hoof wall while I hold the shoe in place. By trimming the shoe to the outside of the mark, the shoe has just the right width for expansion. I try to use only 6 E-head nails with a #8 washer on the rear nails on each hoof. This even spacing makes removal of the shoe with the crease nail puller easier. When I'm done with the hammer, I'll set each nail with a punch. In order to make contact with the nail head when clinching, I tacked a piece of round stock onto a pair of clinchers. There is no one size fits all in the farrier business, but on many horses I've used Ground Control horseshoes with excellent results. ~ Chuck Justice - farrier, Pine City MN


"My farrier has been in business for years and thought he had seen all the plastic shoes available. Since my horse (Arabian) has good feet but has a club foot and white hooves, he has to wear shoes. We put your plastic shoes on this week. My horse loves them. He is so relaxed on the asphalt. His confidence has really improved going down hill on streets. I ride a lot on bike trails and take city streets to get to them so the shoes are fabulous. Some of the bike trails are also paved. Thanks for a great product". - Donna Baumann, CA


"I bought these shoes in September, 2008, and put them on my lead mare. I rode 80 miles of the roughest, rocky, trails, with lots of river crossings, packing in the Gila Wilderness. I pulled them off after 6 weeks, and here is the picture of what they look like." "They stayed on, and worked well. My horse never slipped, and we rode over lots of slick rock, river crossings. The Gila is an old volcano,and the rocks are rough and abrasive in places, and slick in others. The shoes will be good for another setting. They rode smooth and quiet." - Rusty Dobkins, horse and mule packer and trainer in NM

"Greetings from Elverta, CA., I recently bought a pair of your Ground Control shoes from my local shoeing supply store, The Horseshoe Barn, in Sacramento. I must say that I am impressed with your product. I began shoeing horses in 1978, and have always been a strong proponent of naked hooves whenever possible. I think steel shoes are at best a necessary evil, and aluminum shoes are just plain cruel. I shoe a wide range of horses including mounted police horses, dude horses, western and english pleasure show stock, and eventing and performance horses. I put the first pair of G.C. shoes on my daughter's six year old 1/2 arab mare because I knew it would be a true test of their durability and functionality. So far, your claim that these shoes will outlast steel appears to be valid. They have gone over about 50 or 60 miles of asphalt and hardly show any wear. Since then, I have put them on two drill team mounts, a very lame retired park horse, and a semi-retired 18 year old Quarterhorse with navicular disease. All of the owners are pleased with your product so far. I have noticed that whenever I put them on a single horse in a boarding facility it creates quite a stir amongst the other riders, and soon I am getting calls from others wondering about these shoes and wanting to try a pair or set for themselves." - Bob Broussard Farrier Services, Elverta,CA


"To whom it may concern: The Secretary of the River Rise 25 Competitive Trail Ride, Nan Soistman, contacted you last season because of her success with your product on her mules. As a result of her satisfaction, I tried them on my mule and found they made a definite difference in her confidence and ability traveling over varied trail surfaces. Another competitor who saw your product at the RR 25, Becky Siler, completed the famous 100 mile Tevis Endurance Ride in June, and used the Ground Control horse shoes on her horse. These are only a few of the long distance riders that use your product and all speak highly of it." - Jean Shaw, High Springs, FL

"I wanted to let you know that this fall I rode the Michigan Trail Riders Criss Cross ride which went from Mackinaw City to Cadillac and then Empire to Oscoda.....a total of over 520 miles. 23 consecutive days of riding, and I chose to put your shoes on my Rocky Mountain horse in hopes they would last the entire ride. And that they did!! Other riders had to have their horses reshod along the way or were finishing the ride wondering if their shoes were going to make it. The last day of the ride I can remember hearing all these horses with shoes that were loose and falling horse finished the ride with no problems and the shoes could have kept going for some time yet. My 5 year old Rocky had not ever gaited before the application of these shoes. The first day we rode from a camp called Mullet Lake up through Mackinaw to Lake Michigan and my horse gaited like a champ! He got more solid with each passing day. I am SOLD on these shoes. We were on a variety of terrains and never slipped once. I am now going to try them on a 6 yr old quarter horse that was severely foundered as a youngster.....will let you know the results! Thanks so much for a great product!! I have already got friends using your shoes as well!!"?Michele Jones, Luzerne, MI

"I endurance ride and have used your shoes for the past two seasons with much success. My arab Ash has a huge extended trot but with steel shoes he would not really reach out and do this trot, with aluminum he would for short periods, but with the Ground Control shoes, he's extending and really travelling well. We regularily train on hard-packed gravel roads and sometimes compete on them as well, he does great in his plastic shoes!!! ; Haven't lost a one and they hold up for our full 7 weeks! Thanks Ground Control! " Heidi Larson and Ash, Yacolt, Wa.
2013 update: Hi Kristy - thought I'd give you a photo of my horse (Ash) Kalasha +/ and myself - I'm not sure how long we've been using them - I think we're in his 8th season and he reached 2000 miles recently in his Ground Control shoes! We finished in 5th place and received high vet score!

" I put the shoes on my horse on May 19th and only missed a few days of riding before our MTRA (Michigan Trail Riders Association) Shore-to-Shore ride. We started our ride in Empire, Mi on the shore of Lake Michigan and rode the Michigan Riding-Hiking Trail across the state to Oscoda, MI where ended our ride in Lake Huron. The ride is 236 miles over forest trails, sand roads, gravel roads, the shoulder of paved roads and some pavement. The G.C. shoes performed very well. They gave my horse and I confidence on pavement - even slick, sealcoated areas. They helped cushion hard surfaces and give some frog pressure for healthy hoof function. I had no slipping problems anywhere. My shoes are pretty well worn out. But this particular horse wears out steel shoes in the same time period. Ð Vicky Smith, MI farrier and trailrider "I rode for 7 days with a friend whose farrier had put the shoes on her green trailhorse. We were riding the VERY rocky Virginia Highlands. The shoes held up better than steel and actually needed reset before we left to go on the trip, which would have been the second reset. Our whole riding group was very impressed with the performance of the shoes, as the horse was not trail savy and did a lot of scambling around." - Lou Ann Hamrick, Waterford, Ohio

"Just wanted to say thank you for such a great product. This may be a bit premature, as I haven't gone on an endurance ride with them as yet, but I have confidence. I do not shoe my horses. I don't like having nails driven through their hooves, but I especially hate the concussion and inability to expand of a steel shoe. I've tried Easy Boots, Stride Equus Marquis, and Boa. The Boa were the best by far, but my younger horse still managed to get a stone inside. When I purchased Sebastian six years ago, the first thing I did was remove his shoes. Doimas, my 5 y/o half arab, who was born on my property, has never had shoes. Doimas is the horse I started endurance with last year. He got a stone bruise back in April which abscessed and we've been doing the soak, bandage, medicate dance ever since. He appears sound, then goes lame again. But I digress... Since Doimas is out of action for the time being, I decided I'd take Sebastian to my next endurance ride. He is 16 y/o and likes to fly. After much soul searching and alot of research, I decided to try out your Ground Control shoes. Only on the front to being with since I didn't want to spend the money if I didn't like them. I ordered them from Valley Vet and my farrier shod him. My farrier had never seen the G.C. shoe before and was quite impressed with it. You state in your ad that "horse may jump for joy because they feel so good". That is why I'm writing and you can put my testimony and name in any ad regarding your shoes. I've never seen Sebastian so "animated". He leaped and bucked and galloped around, as if to say, "Hey! Look at my new shoes! Aren't they cool?" This guy is usually the most laid back of my five horses when out in the pasture. My farrier and I watched him for quite awhile and I turned to the man and said, "I think he likes his shoes." Since then I've taken Sebastian out on a few rides. It's been very hot and humid, so I've limited our excursions to only a few hours. Well, the shoes are working out so well for him, I'll be buying more through your company. As a matter of fact, I'll be ordering the back pair in a few weeks and reset the front so we'll be ready for our 30 miles limited distance ride September 4th. The only minor problem I've had is getting the stones out, but that isn't a big deal when I consider how happy my horse is with the shoes. I live 35 miles west of PHX, so our ground is very hard and rocky. Sebastian always has floated over the rocks, but now I don't worry about him getting sore feet. Thank you again for such a great product! Sincerely, Cindy Edwards & Sebastian, Buckeye, AZ


"My husband is a farrier and rides with the mounted patrol. The shoes are wonderful. My husband said on the first ride he could tell a difference in how the horse put his hoof down on the concrete. He said it was a much smoother ride. His only concern was if the shoes would stay on with the horse being out in the rain and mud and stuff like that. It has been almost 6 weeks now and they are still on there. Not to mention that my husband didn't look at the sizing chart when he told me to order them and got too big of a shoe, so he had to grind the outer edges of the shoes off after he got them on the horse. But they are great and we will be ordering more in the future. Needless to say the shoes were the conversation piece of every event that we have taken his mounted patrol horse on. And the other funny thing is that you can't hear the horse walking on concrete so it is good for police horses as they can sneak up on the bad guys!! HA! HA!" - Amy Cochran, TN

"Two of my clients use them all around on horses they ride at the MN state fair as part of the mounted patrol. The cushing effect and traction keeps their mounts more comfortable on hard surfaces than steel with borium did in the past. ~ Chuck Justice, farrier Pine City MN


"My daughter Sam, and her Hackney pony, Pita compete in Single Pony Prelim classes at CDE's (Combined Driving Events). My daughter is 15 years old and Pita is a 6 year old Hackney Gelding. Pita has been wearing the same set of Ground Control Horseshoes for 6 months. He sees the farrier every 5 weeks for a trim and a reset. We compete at upper level CDE's from Texas to New Jersey. For conditioning and training Sam drives Pita 40+ miles a week on a wide assortment of footing from blacktop and limerock to sand and grass. We have yet to have the first problem with loose or lost shoes. I am enclosing a few pictures of Sam and Pita with their Navigator, Sue Morris, competing at The Georgia International CDE held at The Olympic Horse Park outside of Atlanta April 6-9, 2006. They had the fastest Marathon time, won all the hazards, and took first place in their class (single pony prelim limit). Pita was wearing Ground Control Horseshoes. The weather was rain and wind and the course was wet and slippery. Pita had no traction problems at all. Thank you for your product. Sam and Pita will be competing at The Gayla Bluegrass CDE near Lexington, Kentucky May 19-21. Needless to say, Pita will be wearing his "sneakers"! - Donald Orem, Sumterville, Florida
(note from Kristy at Ground Control: Although Pita seems to be a magical horse and can go anywhere with Ground Control Horseshoes, remember to please use caution on wet slippery terrain at high speeds.)


"Hi, I wanted to say that I love your ground control shoes. I noticed that noone has written that jumps their horse in them. I wanted to let you know they work fine for 3 day eventing too!! I love them and my horse doesn't trip anymore! Thank you! " - Heidi Wangler


"I tried these shoes on my FEI level dressage horse. It was mainly for therapeutic reasons. The horse has poor hoof quality, slow growth, and thin soles. The soles are thin because he is turned out on sand and it really wears down his feet. Although he holds his shoes well, the hooves disintegrate by the nails and every shoeing is an adventure as to where the nails can be used. I was very skeptical about the shoes and I was concerned it would change his way of going. He's had them on the fronts for about a month, and the hinds for about a week. I'm really impressed so far. He moves the same as with the steel shoes. I love the protection the shoes provide his soles. Since the nails can be driven anywhere, my farrier puts them closer to the front, and in some cases the toe. We hope that his hoof quality will improve. The shoes are so light, I already see an improvement around the nail holes, the breakage is not as bad. My horse looks so happy, I think he feels a lot better. I have more confidence because I know his hooves are well protected. I'm going to try them on my young horse next. She has a tendency to slip and fall on cement, I'm hoping for better traction. Thank you for a great product." - Jeffie H. Pike, CPA


Congratulations to Fred Haslip of New York and his Standardbred Pride Oftheprarie for winning his last 3 out of 6 races with Ground Contol Horseshoes! Go Pride!!!!