
Please order by the shoe, not the pair.
Save $1 per shoe when you order 16 or more shoes of any size or color combination.

Farriers can nail these shoes on just like metal ones. No need to bring the anvil or special tools. These shoes need only common horseshoe nails, a hammer, rasp, and nippers. When finished nailing, rasp or trim the excess plastic for a custom fit, and that's it.

Directions applying with horseshoe nails.

1. Start with the correct sized shoe. (Use the sizing chart to figure out the best size.) Make sure that the nail channel of the shoe matches the white line of the hoof. A little of the shoe 1/8 - 1/4 inch) should stick out around the sides of the hoof.

2. Trim and rasp the hoof. File off any flares, dry or cracked areas and smooth the edges of the hoof. The frog should be trimmed level so that the hoof & frog are flat against the shoe & center frog support. Long or cracked hooves won’t hold on a shoe as well as nicely trimmed, healthy hooves.

3. File the horse’s toe area, matching the angle on the Ground Control Shoes. This will help with the rollover motion of the hoof.

4. Hammer the nails just outside of the white line. Make sure that the nail head is set below the surface of the shoe that touches the ground. You may use a nail set or bang hard on the last hit. Three or four nails per side hold best and keep the shoe from shifting.

5. Cut the excess urethane off with sharp hoof nippers at the back of the shoe and rasp the edges at the side. Leave a little extra (1/8” - 1/4”) urethane around the edges to allow for hoof expansion. Don’t cut too close to the nail channel. As much of the back can be removed as needed. The central frog protector may be removed before application.

6.Use clinchers to clamp down nail ends. Make sure they are tight, but not so much that the nail heads pull through the plastic.

TO REMOVE: After cutting the clinches, use creased nail pullers and take out each nail one by one. The shoes flex, so you shouldn’t try to pry them off.

TIPS: Size #8 washers (bent like a taco) can be used to prevent nail heads from pulling through the shoe if your horse overreaches. Most horses are ok without using washers.

TO CLEAN: Use a hoof pick to clean out any debris under the shoe. Check for small rocks that may get caught between the shoe and the hoof.

Directions applying with Drywall screws: